
This word sometimes sends people into a panic! But it doesn’t have to.

People who have ADHD or Dyslexia can find it really difficult to organise their thoughts, their day or their week.

Today after feeling overwhelmed about what order to do all my jobs in, I came across Eisenhower’s Priority Matrix. It essentially helps you to work out what is a priority and needs doing now or very soon or what can be done much later or can be eliminated altogether (I haven’t been able to put anything in that box yet).

All you have to do is sit down and think through everything that needs doing. Each job that needs doing, you allocate it to a box. I know that all the jobs I write in the yellow box needs doing this week at the latest. Then it gradually gets less pressured as you move into the other boxes.

So if you are struggling to be able to put some order in or even if you don’t have Dyslexia or ADHD but are just really busy. Give this a go. It might really help.

Here is a free download for you to print off.


What does time look like?


ADHD type characteristics