Sing, Sign and Stories

Sing, Sign and Stories is an amazing session for all children, needing support with their development. Especially those who struggle to communicate. Our team members will be there for you to give hints and tips and to offer support and guide you to other sources of support.

What happens at sing, sign and stories?

Free flow activities based on a different book each week or a topic that is catching the children’s interest.

Signing Cafe - free refreshments where you sign for your biscuit or tea and coffee. Supporting life skills and communication.

Story Time - Each week there will be based on a different book, it will be an interactive story time with signing and generally just a fun time!

Song Time - We will sing lots of songs and develop our speech by singing.

Home Time - At the end of the session we will help everyone transition from having fun to going home.

Latest News

The Friday Garden Crew have had a wonderful time planting herbs, flowers and vegetables in our new plot in Abbey Wood. Week by week the children are learning how plants grow and seeing the changes develop as they water and care for them. It has been so much fun and hopefully soon we can try some of the wonderful herbs and vegetables!

Send Support were invited for a very special day out to celebrate the launch of the new partnership between BBC Children in Need and Peppa Pig! We had an amazing day on the Peppa Pig Bus Tour around central London and we were treated to all sorts of wonderful treats and gifts! Thank you Children In Need for all your support, and we had an incredible day!