Relax with play dough

Every child loves play dough and it is a fantastic sensory experience. They can prod away or make sculptures. When working in school, play dough was great for supporting fine motor skills and if you want your child to stay engaged in with Maths just add play dough – so a small pot was always in bag.

This Play Dough has an added sensory twist with dried lavender and also I have added lavender essence.

So if you are stuck for something to do or just need a calm down activity, have a go at making Play Dough. You don’t need to add the lavender so don’t let that put you off making it.

The Recipe…
This Play Dough is also completely edible (admittedly you wouldn’t want your child consuming this much salt – but I don’t think it would get that far). 

The recipe is…

1 Cup of free running salt

2 Cups of plain flour

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

2 Cups of boiling water (straight from kettle). 

Edible glitter, dried lavender or dried herbs – optional

Food Colouring – optional

Cream of tartar – again optional but it helps it last longer. 

It’s so easy to make:

Simply mix everything together

When all ingredients are mixed and it looks doughy pour out onto your floured worktop and knead until a good consistency.
(I have added green food colouring, but I am not sure you can tell!)

You also don’t need lots of fancy equipment to play with it either. If you can add a rolling pin, a spoon and some pots and let their imagination take over.


Speech and play


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