Now and next

Have you ever been in that place, where your child has just not understood what is happening now and after. They get upset, you get upset (because normally it’s a time when you just need that thing to happen ) and then what should be an easy thing ends up being really tricky! Well it’s happened to me a lot!

Here is where a now and next board comes into its own! Now and Next boards are great for all children. In it’s simplest form it tells your child what is going to happen now and what is going to happen next.

Now and Next boards are great for transitions that your child finds tricky, such as leaving the park.
You would have a picture for leaving the park in now and in the next column a picture of say, lunch or seeing nanny! The child can then realise it’s not just about the fun we are having now, but what will be happening after, which children find very difficult to do as they are all about the NOW!

There are a number of ways you can use the board….

1. You can laminate it (always best anyway) and then draw on funny pictures to represent the activity in white board pens.

2. You could add Velcro to the board and have pictures ready made for each of the activities and then put on a new picture every time it needs changing.

3. Or if your child can read, then just use a white board and write on what is happening now and next.

I have included for you as a FREE download a Now and Next Board with cards for the bedtime routine.
– Print off
– Cut out the cards
– Laminate (Optional)
– Either use Velcro or blue tac to stick on

If you don’t have a printer or would just like me to do the hard work for you, message me and I will make up the bedtime kit for you £5 or if you would like different cards give me shout either through Facebook or by Email.


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